What We Do
Successful communication starts with a strategy, whether it’s refining your brand or targeting specific market segments. We can help you get your message to the public, strengthen the dialogue with your own team, or make connections for a specific project.
Every business needs a comms perspective at the leadership table - every day, and especially during a challenge. We have a creative model that gives you access to the highest level of comms expertise at a scalable cost without compromising quality.
Finding a way to pitch your story to media outlets can be hard. With over 30 years of TV news experience combined, we know what journalists are looking for. During a crisis, we quickly assess the situation and strategize how to get the right message out.
With experience ranging from daily news to documentaries to cable television series, we are experts at researching, writing, and video production. We can help tell your story through both video and written content.
You want to grow your business, support your team and make the world around you better. We want to help. We’re storytellers. And we love to tell stories about people and companies that are having a positive impact.

"Storytelling- through a character- connects us to our humanity. It's an avenue to tell people about the good in the world." - Taylor Durden, Content Strategist
Who We Are
The world is automated, but we don’t have to be. We believe in connection, humanity and the importance of approachability. We want to help you build relationships that also build your bottom line.

Meet Our Team
How are we different? Well, you’ve probably never worked with a firm like ours. We’re high-touch, experienced, and just as comfortable in the trenches as in the board room. We’re the team who will dig in. We speak your language.

"Authenticity in the workplace should be prioritized over automation." - Tara Leigh Goode, Principal
Our Clients

"Start with this. Never fight the facts" - Bill Shory, Principal

We understand that every company’s needs and resources are different. So whether you're ready for an ongoing, comprehensive partnership, a supplement for your existing resources, or help with a specific project, we’ll work with you to design a custom plan. Reach out using the info below and let's get started.
Connect With Us
111 W. Washington St.
Suite 304
Louisville, KY 40202